We have been busy working with clients helping them judge the quality of their provision against the 2012 Common Inspection Framework.

An external quality review often identifies areas for development and if timed well, will allow the provider to put improvements in place before an Ofsted inspection. However it is not simply a case of having policies and procedures; it is the impact these have on learners or students which is important.

Changes to working practices after external quality reviews take time to embed in order to have a sustainable impact on learners.

Working with training providers and colleges we are able to help ensure apprentices and students of all ages receive a high quality learning experience.

Short notice Ofsted inspections give providers just two days notice. Are you ready for when the phone call comes?

We can:

› carry out graded observations of teaching and learning
› interview learners and employers
› examine all aspects of your “learner journey”
› make judgements on your outcomes
› carry out joint observations to help you check the effectiveness of your procedures
› write a report for each SSA with recommendations
› write a report for each aspect with recommendations
› help you put together a “ready for inspection” file

Contact us to find out how we can help you.

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