Grow your business and improve your customer experience –
build more powerful teams using Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve done lots of courses before, how will this be different?

It’s great that you and your staff already have an understanding of the subject. People always learn better if they can relate the learning to their workplace.

We take the time to find out what you really need and wherever possible build in references to your own policies and procedures, the documents you use and the expectations you have in the way that your staff respond and behave.

There’s a mixture of staff who have been working with us for a long time and some new staff, how will everyone benefit from the training?

Everyone has something of value to add to learning sessions. We can ensure that your new staff learn from those who have been with you longer and can capitalise on their experiences in working with you. We can also use the experience that newer staff have gained working elsewhere. Newer employees can bring a fresh perspective onto working practices and we can use these ideas to develop everyone’s skills and knowledge.

We are a small company and not everyone can attend the training at the same time. How can we benefit from your courses?

We work hard to minimise disruption to the workplace and can provide learning sessions at times to suit you. Some businesses find that short lunchtime sessions work well, others prefer an early start or a late finish, with sessions taking place before or after work. This might work for you and your staff. Alternatively, why not contact other businesses in your area and see if you can organise several group training sessions, with participants coming from each business. That way you can share the costs and everyone gets a chance to attend.

How will my staff get recognition for attending the training?

It is important that everyone records the learning in their CPD records and we can remind people to do this. We can also give ‘certificates of attendance’, which list the learning outcomes and can incorporate your logo if you wish.

Is any background reading needed before attending the training?

If your staff have different levels of awareness, it can be useful for everyone to complete some background reading before they attend. However, we know that this is not always possible and our experienced trainers can ensure that everyone’s knowledge is increased during the learning activities, whatever their prior knowledge level.