Mental Health First Aid

First Aid for Mental Health Annual Refresher Course

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We are delighted to be able to offer a new course from NUCO.  For anyone who has completed a First Aid for Mental Health course in the past and wants…

Mental Health First Aid at Work Instructor Success

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Mary Aslett successfully passed the examinations and courses on 7th January 2022 to become a Mental Health First Aid Instructor and can now deliver course in physical and virtual classrooms…

Closing the Virtual Teamwork Skills Gap

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Over the past year, there has been a tremendous shift in the way we work, and especially the way we “team.” Effective teamwork will be a significant factor in determining…

Adapting your professional development to the ‘new normal’

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Since March 2020 we have been living in what seems at times to be a very surreal world where working from home (WFH) and using technology to see colleagues, friends…

New year – new resolutions

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How many people resolve to do something for themselves that will really help them both at work and in their personal lives? We offer a broad range of learning and…

Understanding yourself and others in the workplace

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We all know people who just want the bare facts, they want you to get straight to the point and aren’t interested in all the detail – they want information…

How well are your teams working?

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What happens when individuals don’t work as part of a team?  Productivity often falls, communication is poor and goals aren’t reached. But teamwork can be so much better when people…

Need a better way to integrate new staff?

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How many times have you, on your first day in a new job, been directed to sit at a desk and given piles of documents, policies and procedures to read…

360 feedback – how to make it work for you and your business using Everything DiSC®

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As a business leader, you need to work with the team members who are finding things challenging in order to improve how your business performs overall. Your business relies on a…

Build a Better Workplace

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Backed by over 40 years of research and Corporate Growth Consultancy, you can expect customisable solutions that meet your organisation’s unique training needs. As an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, we…

Improving business productivity through leadership development

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There are many great leadership programmes available offering a range of learning options, from face to face to online. These can help develop the leadership skills of team leaders and…

How to be a great leader at work

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Lead by example As a leader, you’ll have a number of staff members relying on your leadership skills. You’ll need to demonstrate the qualities that you want your team members…

Contact us to achieve cohesive teamworking and get results!

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Team working is often seen as a vital attribute but how many people really know how to work as a team? In most workplaces, individuals are set targets and they…

Increase sales!

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How frequently have you tried really hard to engage with a customer, only to find that they walk away and buy from someone else? With so much choice in the…

Plan your own learning!

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Those involved in training and developing people are usually great at planning learning activities for other people but not so great at thinking about what learning they need to do…

Improving the pipeline of senior leaders from BAME backgrounds

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Working with my colleagues we have reached out to a number of aspiring leaders since January. There are just a couple of weeks until this phase of the project ends,…

Everything Disc® Authorised Partner

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Each year more than one million people worldwide use the Everything DiSC® research-validated tools to inspire, energise, empower and transform. Proven solutions that establish a common language to improve communication…

Updating staff on adult safeguarding legislation

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Many changes have been made to the legislation and guidance on safeguarding adults. We can help by developing bespoke learning materials and delivering sessions to your staff which work in…

Safeguarding awareness raising

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There has been a lot of media attention recently on radicalisation and extremism but do your staff know what to look for in order to identify potential safeguarding concerns? During…

Measuring the impact of staff training

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Is this because they do not want to know or because they do not know how or because they do not see the importance? We all need feedback to help…

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